Earn Walmart Rewards with the Savings Catcher App Much like how I share shopping tips with friends and assume the good karma will come back my way eventually, I want to share how I earn Walmart rewards with shopping apps with you all as well. You can then trade these points in for cash back or for gift cards at your favorite stores. Shopping apps, for those who don’t already know, are apps that give you rewards and points for things you already do while shopping, like walking into certain stores or scanning the barcodes on featured items. I’m talking about pairing store-specific apps, like Walmart’s Savings Catcher app, with shopping apps that work at many stores to collect even more Walmart rewards. Or, more precisely, I’ve learned how to use two different apps to double my rewards and savings.
And, I’ve learned that while some savings are good, more savings are better.
I’ve learned to share my shopping tips with friends because they’re likely to return the favor.
I’ve learned not to beat myself up for missing a sale: there’s always another one on the horizon. I’ve learned a lot over my years as a shopper.